Awaiting Motherhood

The Wait

15 Apr 2022

In view of my pink discharge, I went for a scan alone yesterday with Thomson Women’s Clinic. The scan showed that it is a water sac with a little yolk and nothing else. At 7 weeks, there should be more growth.

The gynae then told me that it seems that there wouldn’t be any more growth. She gave me 3 options:
1. Go for 2nd opinion
2. Wait for another week before scanning
3. Take measures to stop the pregnancy

She also mentioned that it is actually more common than I think it is, and there is no specific reason for the foetus not to grow.

I find it hard to believe. My heart sank.

I immediately texted Husband and told him about it. I can tell that he cannot believe it as well.

I have immediately made an appointment with KK Hospital for a session tomorrow. In actual fact, we have kind of accepted what Thomson gynae has mentioned. I am still feeling bloated, nauseous and my boobs still hurt on and off, but I am still having brown discharge, which is also a sign that somehow I am still bleeding. Perhaps, it means that my body is rejecting the fertilised but not developing embryo.

Internally, so many things went through my head. Is it something that I have not done right? What happened? Will Hashbrown come back to us again? Will we be parents one day?

In a way, I am glad that there is no heartbeat yet. If there is, it would have been harder. Hence in a way, I am thinking that perhaps this embryo is not the healthiest and hence Hashbrown didn’t choose it.

I am dreading tomorrow. I am scared. But at least Husband will be with me. He has been very supportive since the start. One of the first things he told me was that none of this is my fault. I am glad that he is with me in this journey.

Updating the Family

17 April 2022

Please be safe Hashbrown

17 April 2022